LFA Exec - Minutes - September 24, 2020


3 pm Sept. 24, 2020



Present: Angie Rathmel (vice-chair), Brian Rosenblum (chair), Scott McEathron (librarian), Elspeth Healey (associate librarian), Karna Younger (secretary), L. Marie Avilia (assistant librarian), Michael Peper (guest)



  1. Review and approve minutes from August 27 meeting
  2. Chair/Vice-Chair report on Sep 11 meeting with the Dean
  3. Library governance web manager update
  4. COVID statement for faculty reviews
  5. Possibility of member of Student Senate Diversity and Inclusion attending or joining LFA exec meeting
  6. Other New Business



  1. August meeting minutes approved by unanimous consent.
  2. Chair/vice-chair report on meeting with Dean
    • Travel modifications
      1. Deans were not consulted about the process, but since the meeting with the dean the university administration has emailed the campus for feedback about altered travel policies.
    • Suspension of the payroll tax
      1. The dean discussed the possibility of KU implementing the suspension of payroll tax, but the university has since elected not to implement.
  3. Web manager update
    • Brian continues to work with LFSA executive to appoint a web manager.
  4. Possibility of member of Student Senate Diversity and Inclusion attending or joining LFA exec meeting
    • L. Marie recently met with Student Senate Diversity and Inclusion Director, undergraduate Humberto Gomez Salinas regarding his recent outreach with KU Libraries in support of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. L.Marie, invited the student into a conversation with the Undergraduate Center in Research and Engagement in support of and partnering with KU Libraries. STUDENT inquired about a student position with KU libraries governance and planning and engagement.
      1. A conversation ensued, and L. Marie said she would follow up with alternative avenues to pursue with the students including, LFSA, the student ambassador program, the Libraries DEI committee, and University Senate Libraries Committee.
  5. COVID statement for faculty reviews – guest Michael Peper, member of Faculty Success Design Team for KU
    • Michael shared there would be an additional and optional field in the promotion and tenure field document for candidates to disclose how COVID-19 impacted their file. Michael shared members of the Libraries’ Faculty Center expressed concern for bias being introduced into file review or the onus being placed on candidate to prove the negative affect of COVID-19 on a candidate’s file. Candidates would be invited to submit a COVID-19 statement if there was a discrepancy in reviews (between unit and university, for instance) or if there was a negative review.
    • Executive decided to introduce the subject of the consistency of annual evaluations, promotion and tenure files and COVID-19 during the LFA General Assembly in the fall. Brian will also contact Jon Giullain about what University Senate knows about the COVID-19 statements.
  6. Meeting adjourned by unanimous consent at 4:05 pm.