LFA Exec - Minutes - August 27, 2020


Present: Angie Rathmel (vice-chair), Brian Rosenblum (chair), Scott McEathron (librarian), Elspeth Healey (associate librarian), Karna Younger (secretary), L. Marie Avilia (assistant librarian)


  1. Review and approve minutes from July 23 meeting
  2. Report from Chair/Vice-Chair Aug 14 meeting with the Dean
  3. Library governance web manager update
  4. LCPT special charge
  5. New Business


  1. Elspeth moved, Scott seconded, and the committee unanimously approved July 23, 2020, minutes with minor edits.
  2. Report from LFA Chair/Vice-Chair Aug 14 meeting with the Dean
    • Discussed COVID-19 related issues, including survey of student preference to return to campus during pandemic, the reporting methods of which have been criticized in the local newspaper.
    • Chair/Vice-chair thanked dean for addressing issues related to recent identity fraud scandal.
      • Brian Rosenblum will follow up with Jon Giullian, Librarian, who serves on Faculty Senate and is advocating for university action to protect employees affected by identity theft
  3. Libraries governance web manager update
    • Executive provided feedback on the position description. Brian will take comments to Libraries Faculty and Staff Assembly (LFSA) Executive Committee before the LFSA co- chairs post the position to the libraries’ listserv.
  4. Libraries Committee for Promotion and Tenure’s special charges
  5. LCPT Committee had a question about the special charges. Regarding the second charge (below), the committee clarified with Elspeth that confidential information would not be publicized.
    • Based on the 2019-2020 LFSA Web Taskforce Final Report and in consultation with the LFSA webmaster, LCPT should review and recommend procedures for archiving and accessing LCPT documents from previous years.
  6. New Business
    • Website
      1. Brian has been contacting LFSA and LFA committees to collect missing materials. This work is in progress and the web manager will bear some responsibility to collect missing material.
      2. Code has been updated to amend LFA Executive membership to six and has been uploaded the website
    • Archives
      1. Elspeth reminded Executive about the need for governance to share documents with Spencer Library for the University Archives
      2. Committee decided to add this responsibility to the web manager position description with the understanding the LFA/LFSA/Libraries Staff Assembly secretaries should meet with the web manager to develop a process for archiving information.
      3. Brian will rework the below position point reflect the committee’s revisions.
      4. Each year when the Assemblies change leadership, participate in a formal program to explain to All Committee Chairs and Secretaries their responsibilities of taking and submitting minutes. Also included in this should be an overview of record retention by University Archives.
      5. The committee discussed recent faculty letter of concern for University planned shift to require all travelers to use University travel agency for University travel.
  7. Meeting adjourned at 2:58 pm by unanimous consent.