LFA Exec - Minutes - September 26, 2017

MINUTES: 2017-2018 Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee

Tuesday September 26th, 2017 1-2pm Watson 440B

Present: Chair: Karna Younger, Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Lars Leon, Secretary: Andi Back, Assistant Librarian: Michael Peper, Librarian: Lea Currie, and Member at Large: Rebecca Orozco

Absent: Associate Librarian: Sarah Goodwin Thiel


  1. Minutes approved from August 29th, 2017
  2. Liaison Reports: No committees or meetings have taken place since LFA Exec.’s meeting on August 29, 2017. Meetings are scheduled for October.
  3. Faculty Evaluation Plan: The working group has made appropriate edits and revisions per the university template and library classifications. The revisions were discussed by LFA Exec. All LFA Exec. members will review closely once more before sending out to all Librarians for consideration.
  4. CRSA Findings: OD/CRSA sent out a survey about research support to library faculty. The results of the survey were reviewed and discussed by LFA Exec. for possible topics to discuss at the upcoming Fall Assembly meeting on October 12th.
  5. Wrap up: Discussed potential meeting agenda for upcoming Fall Assembly at 10am October 12th in Watson 455 and the next LFA Exec. meeting.
  6. Adjourned