LCPT Annual Report 2016-2017

LFA/LFPA Committee Final Report

Committee Name: Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure (LCPT)

Committee Chair: Whitney Baker

Members (with terms): Tami Albin (2015-2018), Fran Devlin (2016-2019), Vickie Doll (2015- 2017), Scott McEathron (2015-2018), Sarah Goodwin Thiel (2014-2017)

Fiscal Year: 2016-2017

Standing Charges (in place at start of FY2016-2107):

  • The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure is the committee required by Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations Article VI. It shall review the qualifications and performance of all members of the library faculty who are to be considered for promotion, award of tenure, or non-reappointment, and make recommendations to the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure in accordance with the guidelines accepted by the University of Kansas for granting promotions and tenure for library faculty. Its recommendations, together with those of the Dean of Libraries, shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost for consideration by the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure.
  • The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure also acts as the Libraries’ Progress toward Tenure Review committee. It shall review the qualifications and performance of all members of the library faculty who are scheduled to be evaluated in their progress toward tenure. Once the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure completes its review, the complete files with the Committee’s recommendations will be sent to the Dean of Libraries.
  • The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall review annually the criteria established by the University Libraries in accordance with the aforesaid guidelines and recommend to the Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly revisions of these criteria, as necessary. It shall also recommend the procedures used for the preparation of dossiers for library faculty under review for progress toward tenure and consideration for promotion and/or tenure. The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall present its recommendations to the Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly for approval.
  • The first meeting of the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure each year shall be called by the Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly Executive Committee no later than the first week of August; the first order of business shall be to select a presiding officer and a recording secretary.
  • The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall be composed of five library faculty, 188 either tenured or having completed their probationary period, with a minimum of three library faculty with the rank of Librarian or unclassified academic staff of equivalent rank – all to be elected by members of the Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly eligible to vote (see 2.2.1 of the Code). Members of the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall ordinarily serve three years with overlapping terms to provide continuity. Members may not ordinarily succeed themselves without one year intervening. Should there be a vacancy that will impact the Committee’s work, qualified members of the library faculty (including someone who has just served on the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure) will be nominated by Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly Executive Committee for a special election to serve the remainder of the term.
  • Library faculty seeking promotion may not stand for election or serve on the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure during the year in which he or she will be reviewed for promotion.
  • Library faculty with a domestic or familial relationship to the library faculty being reviewed for progress toward tenure, being considered for tenure or promotion may not serve on the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure during that year.
  • A unit head or supervisor of library faculty being considered for promotion or tenure, may not serve on the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure during the year.
  • No library faculty may serve simultaneously on the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure and the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure.
  • The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall function as a unit with all members present. Each shall have the full privilege of voice and shall vote in all proceedings except those in which the vote is specifically denied by Section or Section, or when by a majority vote, the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure disqualifies a member from discussion, voting, or both because his or her relationship to the matter under discussion is judged prejudicial by the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure.
  • If, due to unanticipated circumstances, (i.e. a recusal) there are fewer than three available members of the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure qualified to vote in an individual case, the Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly Executive Committee will appoint a qualified member of the Library Faculty and Professionals Assembly to review and vote on that particular case (see 3.2.1 of the Bylaws).
  • The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall promptly notify the Dean in writing of its recommendation regarding progress toward tenure, promotion, or tenure.
  • The deliberations on individual cases involving non-reappointment, progress toward tenure, tenure or promotion, shall be held in strict confidence; discussion of such cases by Committee members shall be restricted to meetings of the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure formally convened for the purpose.

Standing Charges Progress Summary (please include progress and/or accomplishments related to Standing Charges):

  • LCPT held open meetings prior to the start of the PTTR, P&T, and PTR processes.
  • LCPT reviewed one promotion and tenure, and one promotion file in the fall.
  • LCPT reviewed and discussed offers of credit to new library faculty members; this numbered over ten this year due to the Unclassified Academic Staff switching to tenure track.
  • LCPT members, usually the chair, met with several candidates interviewing for faculty positions.

Special Charges:

LFPA did not provide LCPT with special charges this fiscal year.

Special Charges Progress Summary (please include progress and/or accomplishments related to Special Charges):


Progress on Previous Year’s Recommendations (if applicable, please describe any progress or

work towards last year’s committee recommendations):


Potential Charges for Future Committees:

1. Add a question and answer (Q&A section) to the LCPT webpage to serve as a location for answers to the most typical questions.

Prepared by: Scott McEathron