CSB - Minutes - August 25, 2017

LFSA: Salaries and Benefits Committee, 2017-2018 

1pm, Friday, August 25, 2017 

Watson 400B 


Carmen Orth-Alfie, Angie Rathmel, Sunita Gandhi, Scott Cossel, Shannon Royer (ex-officio),  Emily Beran (LFSA liaison) 

Old Business 

No Old Business 

New Business 

Discussion of Possible Code Changes 

Originally, Mike Broadwell was in attendance at the meeting as an ex-officio of the committee. Since  Shannon Royer was already present, it was determined that only one ex-officio needed to attend the  meeting. We then discussed whether or not the Code could be updated to include only one member of  Admin as an ex-officio to this committee and, if so, could that change state that the ex-officio be “a  suitable representative from Admin” instead of a specific person (as determined by title). 


The committee filled officer positions through a process of nomination and volunteering. All positions  were approved with a unanimous vote. The results are listed below. 

--- Chair: Angie Rathmel 

--- Secretary: Scott Cossel 


Emily presented from LFSA exec meeting: 

--- In order to ensure that committee minutes are delivered to the LFSA secretary in a timely fashion for  posting on the website, committees need to send approved minutes to the LFSA secretary within two  weeks of approval; minutes may be approved over email 

Special Charges 

Emily presented from LFSA exec meeting: 

Continue to promote the STAR Benefits program, working with the appropriate HR representative to do  so. This special charge will build upon the work the committee performed 2016-2017. To ensure the  completion of the committee’s initiatives from last year, Leah will contact Mike Broadwell, executive  director of administrative services and an ex-officio of the committee, to make certain the HealthQuest  question and answer sheet the committee developed will be shared Libraries-wide.  

--- After discussion, Shannon Royer agreed to contact Mike Broadwell about adding the STAR program to  the orientation program for new staff and to check on the status of the HealthQuest question and  answer sheet. Mike confirmed that STAR program has been added to the orientation program for new  staff and will be included in the next HR update. Their conversation revealed that the discussion about  the HealthQuest Q&As had been dropped due to scheduling problems with a representative from the  State or central HR. 

Next Meeting 

Angie will schedule the next meeting for October so the committee can address any necessary questions  or concerns prior to the Open Enrollment period. 

Emily moved to adjourn. This was seconded and unanimously passed by the committee. The meeting  was adjourned at approximately 1:25pm.