CSB - Minutes - May 2, 2017

Date: 5.2.17, Tuesday 

Time: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 

Location: Room 503A 


Shannon Royer, Scott Cossel, Deborah Dandridge, Lars Leon, Sunita Gandhi Main


Library Governance Committee (LFSA Salaries & Benefits) Final Report

∙ Talked about the progress in HealthQuest (HQ) initiatives. 

∙ Mentioned about the PowerPoint for the forum we conducted in the fall.  

∙ Sharon Riley is in touch with HQ rep and keeping Marianne updated, Sharon gives the direct number  to Marianne so that she can have direct discussions with the rep. 

∙ Discussed about what to fill in the form and who will fill the form. 

∙ Talked about standing charges from the website. 

∙ Brief review of the process about merit and grievances before sending the letters out to the  employees in the All-Staff meeting. It should cover the explanation, and taking questions about the  decision taken. 

∙ Potential charges - S&B recommends that next year’s committee lay out the steps for pursuing  merit-based questions and grievances process through the chain-of-command. 

∙ Potential charges - S&B recommends that next year’s committee lay out the steps for pursuing  benefits/discount programs like Star Benefits Program and so. 

∙ Campus governance exclude librarians from their survey. 

∙ LFA will tell about the salaries & benefits for faculty. 

∙ LFSA exec will add information in archive.