Code Committee Minutes - March 26, 2019

Minutes of LFSA Code Committee

Meeting of January 25, 2019

Approved January 29, 2019

Version 3.02

Present (in alphabetical order) are: Roger Anderson, Neal Axton, and Natalie Mahan (Chair).

Marianne Reed is also present as a guest. Natalie Mahan calls the meeting to order.

Discussion of amending the LFA Executive Board

The Code Committee supports amending the Code to explicitly allow for membership on executive committees, standing committees and ad hoc committees simultaneously. This question has been raised in the past.

The Code Committee is happy to review any proposed language that the Executive Board submits for consideration. Amendments to the Code that satisfy the statutory requirements are valid, but the Code Committee should not be the drafting committee.

The Assembly could amend the entire tripartite code by amending Article 1 of the Code, but the Assembly could also amend the Articles of the LFA, LSA and LFSA individually. There are trade-offs to both approaches.

Discussion of Quorum Requirements

Marianne Reed was invited to contribute as a guest but is not a member of the committee.

Discussion of the fact that the December, 2019 meeting of the LFSA did not have a quorum and was described as an "informational" meeting by Lars Leon, co-chair of LFSA.

Discussion of the purpose of a quorum. A quorum is to assure the will of the Assembly (the entire body) is reflected in decisions that are made.

Ms. Reed suggests the Assembly lower the LFSA Quorum Requirement. Mr. Axton points out this would allow a smaller minority to hijack the rules.

Discussion of the term “conduct business”

Does such an informal meeting count as a valid meeting absent a quorum? The Code incorporates Robert's Rules of Orders for parliamentary procedure.

Discussion of Robert's Rules of Order

Are there things that do not count as conducting business that are allowable or are all actions and discussions strictly prohibited by Robert's Rules of Order in the absence of a quorum?

Mr. Axton suggests there is a distinction between official bodies where attendance can be compelled and volunteer organizations. There is unanimous consent that LFSA is not an organization that can compel attendance.

“Conduct business” is a term of art in Robert’s Rules of Order.

Ms. Reed asserts that calling a meeting to order, approving minutes, and taking committee reports all constitute conducting business. Ms. Reed further asserts that discussion by a group smaller than a quorum constitutes conducting business. Mr. Axton disagrees.

Discussion of Informal Meetings

Can anything be done at an informal meeting or informational meeting?

Is the meeting requirement aspirational or binding? Are informal meetings allowed?

Ms. Reed asserts that informational meetings are not allowed, but support for that claim was requested.

Discussion of Meeting Notice

Ms. Reed points out this meeting was billed as the Official Meeting of the Organization, which thus means a quorum is required.

Ms. Reed suggests the informational meeting sets a dangerous precedent.

Ms. Reed suggests it is a moot point whether discussion is business because the December, 2019 meeting was advertised as an official meeting.

LFSA Normative Behavior and Amending Quorum Requirements

Ms. Reed suggests the December meeting violated the norms and past actions of LFSA. "To not start a meeting without a quorum is not really kosher."

Discussion of Precedence

Do the Assembly's past actions answer this quorum question? If not, is there any other available precedent? Ms. Reed suggests interviews with committee chair across the University of Kansas regarding widely accepted practices.

Referral to LFSA Executive Board

The Chair suggests the Code Committee is not the appropriate venue for this action. Chair suggests returning this to the LFSA Executive Board.

A motion to adjourn was then approved.